This is how I understand research.


Always keep your original goal in mind. Most individuals engage in research not solely for the sake of research itself, but with broader motivations. For instance, someone might embark on research for the joy of discovery, to gain deeper insights, or to effect meaningful change in the world. Or just for living. Rarely does anyone undertake research solely for the sake of research; it’s akin to working for the sake of working. Research is, at its core, a form of labor, and researchers are akin to laborers. Work is merely a means to an end; it lacks inherent value. Its value becomes apparent only when you successfully apply it to address concrete problems. When we pursue something, we inherently seek its value. For instance, when you purchase a car, it’s not for the sake of owning a machine; rather, it’s to facilitate your journeys and reduce your physical effort. Your car serves as a tool, enabling you to reach distant places and lessen the burden of manual labor. Therefore, there should always exist an overarching goal, one that holds philosophical significance and intrinsic value, that drives your research endeavors. It must remain steadfast in your mind, ensuring that you don’t lose sight of it, even as you become deeply engrossed in specific research challenges to avoid feeling disconnected from your original purpose.

The Origin of Problems

When embarking on a career as a researcher, the initial step involves identifying a specific problem to investigate. But what if no one presents you with a specific problem to work on? Researchers often need to establish their own research objectives, similar to how they set goals when applying to prestigious universities. These objectives should be broad yet realistic, distinct from a narrowly defined problem.

For instance, a research goal like “I aim to explore when and why neural networks yield accurate predictions” is a commendable one. It transcends the vague and grandiose or mundane goals we previously discussed, such as “working for the betterment of humanity.” or “working for living.” These overarching research goals need to be broken down into more specific and actionable objectives.

In the above case, the research goal resembles the kind of inquiries posed by physicists or chemists—an attempt to explain the mechanisms behind observed phenomena, a theoretical question. Following this trajectory, we can further refine the goal. For example, we could specify the perspective: “I intend to investigate, from a mathematically rigorous standpoint, the conditions under which neural networks produce accurate predictions.” Subsequently, we can delve into aspects like neural network architectures and more.

Another category of research goals falls into the engineer-type category, distinct from the theoretical-type questions. When addressing theoretical questions, the common methodology often involves making suitable assumptions (similar to what Einstein did), providing an intuitive explanation based on these assumptions (explaining how to directly connect or understand the results based on these assumptions), and then formalizing this intuitive explanation into a rigorous proof (although this formal proof may not be extensively read unless it involves technical complexities and corresponding contributions since readers can generally follow your proof using your explanation). In contrast, engineer-type questions are centered on developing methods, such as algorithms, to address specific problems. An example of this would be a goal like “Develop an algorithm for reinforcement learning.”

A research goal can also be seen as an area of interest, but it’s important to note that an interest or topic on its own is too broad and needs to be refined and specified. For instance, saying “I am interested in neural networks” is quite vague.

Once a research goal is established, a plethora of problems will naturally emerge. You’ll encounter a diverse range of issues just waiting for your innovative solutions. This process might involve studying relevant lecture notes, delving into research papers, engaging in discussions with experts, conducting preliminary experiments, and more. However, the crucial element in this journey is to cultivate your own ideas and engage in independent thinking. In this process, you may discover that what initially seemed like theoretical questions can evolve into engineer-type inquiries, and vice versa. The key is to allow your ideas to flow and flourish organically. Navigating your mind into a state of flow is a deeply rewarding and fulfilling experience.

It’s worth emphasizing once more that lessons, summer courses, seminars, and similar educational avenues are tools to an end rather than the end itself. They should be used flexibly as long as they align with your objectives. Interestingly, lecture notes or slides typically serve two primary purposes. Firstly, they often function as the lecturer’s personal study notes. Secondly, they can serve as a platform for the lecturer to showcase and promote a particular method or approach they have developed.

How to Balance Specification and Generality?

Indeed, attention is a finite resource, and individuals cannot realistically specialize in numerous disciplines. Therefore, the most effective strategy is to concentrate on your research objectives. When you establish a clear goal, you acquire a degree of generality. As you deconstruct these goals, you acquire concrete techniques, which, in turn, can be applied to other disciplines by your broader understanding. In essence, pondering questions like this signals that it’s time to solidify a research goal in your mind.

Philosophy Now

The selection of a research goal must be in harmony with the prevailing era. In contemporary times, conducting research in isolation has become virtually impossible. Researchers may find it necessary to adapt their research objectives to align with the broader context.

Live with Uncertainty

Embrace the adventure of uncertainty in your research journey. Just like a seasoned explorer in uncharted territory, you might stumble upon unexpected obstacles like complex data anomalies, elusive solutions, or even entirely novel concepts that challenge your initial assumptions. For instance, Giorgio Parisi was studying particle physics and suddenly come across the replica method – he didn’t shy away from it; he investigated further. In this uncertain terrain, you might also stumble upon groundbreaking ideas, like a revolutionary renewable energy source that nobody saw coming. These uncertainties are the spice of research life; they keep your intellectual curiosity alive and propel you toward discoveries you never anticipated. So, when the going gets uncertain, remember that it’s an exciting part of your journey – a chance to unravel the mysteries of your field and redefine the boundaries of knowledge.

Depth is always valuable, is it?

Deep connections between two seemingly distinct objects are regarded as valuable. Or to put it in another way, results that are not obvious, but elegant and useful, are valued. Yet, the the meaning of the word ‘obvious’ is not obvious. It’s not uncommon for complex mathematical problems to possess surprisingly straightforward solutions, ones that Alice may not have contemplated but Gauss had already envisioned. The deep connection may be obvious from a different perspective. This quandary, much like the delicate balance between specificity and generality, isn’t easily operationalized. It’s something to be mindful of, but doesn’t necessarily warrant exhaustive philosophical or methodological contemplation. The litmus test remains whether your findings are novel within the research community; the rest is a matter of time and empirical validation.

Which Journal should I Submit to?

Identify journals that align with the focus and scope of your research. Study the previous volumes and accepted papers to get a sense of the types of research and topics that are typically accepted at each conference. Understand the journal profiles, target relevance, paper quality, reviewer pool, community and impact.

Seek advice from mentors, colleagues, or advisors who are familiar with the landscape.

How to Write a Paper?

There is a wealth of valuable guidance available online, but the central concept revolves around effectively conveying your research to the community with clarity and sophistication. This process involves two primary subjects: ‘you,’ representing your understanding of your research, and ‘the community,’ signifying how you can facilitate their comprehension of your work. To achieve this, it is crucial to encompass various elements, such as providing the research’s context, establishing connections with related works, highlighting your contributions, elucidating the core concept, substantiating your ideas with supporting evidence (whether through proofs or experiments), and delving into potential implications. Always keep in mind that your ultimate objective is to present your ideas to your target readers. Do not allow yourself to be constrained by nonexistent limitations or restrictions.

How to reconstruct my life?

“Understanding is not a static concept; it continually evolves.”

“I won’t use the term ‘answer’ because it implies the presence of an absolute truth.”